605 37th St S. Birmingham, AL 35222
Stay connected:
Connie Sherrod

Connie Sherrod

Connie is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).

Dawn Cassizzi

Dawn Cassizzi

Dawn received her 200 YTT in 2019 and is currently pursuing her 500hr accreditation.


Arlie Carnagey

With a strong background in Ashtanga, her classes focus on finding the structure and stability in poses.

Meghan Thornton

Meghan Thornton

Meghan has been teaching since 2019 after completing her teacher training with Birmingham Yoga.

Abi Moore

Abi Moore

Abi Moore (E-RYT 200) has been teaching yoga since 2013.

Akasha Ellis

Akasha Ellis

Akasha is the founder of Birmingham Yoga and director of Birmingham yoga teacher training.

Heather Sullivan

Heather Sullivan

Heather is co-owner of Birmingham Yoga where she leads the Mysore program.

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